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Kehuang Capsule

National Patent-protected Brand and an Optimal Medicine that Special￾izes in Curing Heat, Toxin, Swelling and Pain

National Patent-protected Brand and an Optimal Medicine that Special_x005f_x005f_x005f_x0002_izes in Curing Heat, Toxin, Swelling and Pain

Kehuang Capsule originated from the Shaolin Temple in Quanzhou of Fujian Province in 1867 (during the reign of Emperor Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty), and is mainly composed of precious medicinal materials such as She Xiang (Moschus), Niu Huang (Calculus Bovis), San Qi (Panax Notoginseng) and She Dan Zhi (Fel Serpentis).Awarded as Protected Traditional Chinese Medicinal Product in 2003.


● Heat clearing and detoxification
● Stasis resolving and bind dissipating
● Applicable to the pattern of retained damp-heat and pathogenic toxin and pattern of blood stasis obstructing the collaterals, such as distending pain of lateral thorax, hypochondriac lump, bitter sticky mouth, poor appetite and abdominal distension, yellow face and eyes, short and reddish urine, dark redness or ecchymosis and petechia on tongue, yellow greasy tongue coating, and slippery, string-like or rough pulse; as well as acute and chronic hepatitis